Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Getting to know the real Botswana

These photos are of kids who were my neighbors for a short while. They are very curious kids and always running around the yard having fun. Fidelis, in the white jacket, builds toys from scrap metal. The girl in the pink shirt, Pauline, is an industrious little 3 year old, who brings over a broom every time she comes to visit (maybe she was trying to tell me something...). The other two boys are brothers and really good dancers. They are happy kids and curious about America and everything I kept in my house. As Alex, 9 years old, told me one day,"I feel like I haven't seen a lot so I want to learn everything as quickly as possible!"

BAPL on Baylor's Website

Our organization is listed as a partner. Check out http://botswanateenclub.wordpress.com/about/ for more info

Monday, May 11, 2009

Bots Project Newsletter & Resource Links

This is an excellent website with information about HIV and AIDS worldwide:

Link to Baylor College of Medicine's Center in Botswana:

ACHAP's page about AIDS in Botswana:

If you'd like to receive our newsletter with updates about The Bots Project send an email to prentiss@thebotswanaproject.com.