Wednesday, January 14, 2009

eish, my head is spinning

So we are back in Gaborone after an amazing trip to Capetown and there are so many exciting things going on with the project that i dont even know how to keep track of them. The project team is  really great and we are adding a few new members not to mention we are trying to see if we can find some money to pay people for all of their hard work, yup i mean salaries. sounds too good to be true? it may be. but if all goes to plan than people wont have to hustle 24-7 to try and save money or keep hitting up their parents to help cover their day to day expenses. 
we have also decided to start both an NGO and a company that owns the rights to the software. we are hoping to make the company something truly unique and more general than just SMS. in fact we want to start a company that utilizes technology that already exists in a creative way or makes slight modifications to current technology in order to, in Prentiss's words "improve human security". We want to work on different diseases, on water sanitation and other issues that impact humanity all over the world. sounds a bit lofty doesnt it? well i guess we will take it one day at a time. first things first... for the NGO and for the company, we need names....

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